SPRINGLOCK Security Lock Hanging System – Installation Guide
The SPRINGLOCK Security Lock hanging system consists of three components: a Bridge Bracket and a Bridge Insert used for locking, and a Top Bracket used for hanging. Depending on the level of security you required more than one lock can be fitted onto a frame.
1) Attach the brackets
Secure two Top Brackets to the top of the frame, evenly spaced. Attach a single Lock Bridge Bracket in the centre at the bottom, as shown in the photo. For extra security, you can use two Lock Brackets at the bottom, also evenly spaced.
2) Mark the wall
Place the picture on the wall and mark the position of one of the Top Bracket fixings. Measure the distance between the centres of the two brackets to find the second screw position. Use a level spirit to mark the second position on the wall. Drill holes at the marked positions and insert plugs. Screw into the plugs, leaving the screw heads about 5mm from the wall.
3) Hang the picture
Carefully place the picture onto the screws in the wall, aligning the slots in the Top Brackets with the exposed screws. Check if the picture is level. If not, you can adjust it slightly using the slots in the brackets.
4) Secure the bottom
When the picture is level, pull back the locking Bridge Insert from the bottom Lock Bridge Bracket using the Release Tool. Insert the Marker into the open hole of the Lock Bridge Bracket.
5) Finalise the hanging
With the picture hanging from the top screws and the marker in the open hole of the Lock Bridge Bracket, gently tap the frame at the tool position. This will mark the exact screw point location on the wall. Drill a hole at the marked position, insert a plug, and screw into it, leaving the head exposed by 5mm. Place the open Lock Bridge Bracket over the exposed screw head and push in the locking Bridge Insert to secure the picture to the wall.